Saturday, May 26, 2012

What Syrian Hamster?

Syrian Hamster First discovered in 1930 by I.aharoni yrs. Habrew a Professor of Zoology University, Jerusalem. Hamsters were first discovered in an eight-foot long hole in the Desert Aleppo, Syriac. Therefore, this hamster known as Syriac (Syrian hamster). Age can be up to 2 to 2.5 years, when cared for properly. The length can reach 15-20 cm when mature.

Syrian hamsters usually live alone in the wild and the same thing while in captivity. Syrian Hamsters can be aggressive with each other and can hurt each other. Do not put ever Syrian hamsters in pairs or in groups continuously. Syrian hamster most commonly found in pet stores. Syrian hamsters are sometimes referred to as the 'Golden Hamster' due to its original hair color of gold though this time there are many different colors and mutate into like coat. It is also sometimes - sometimes referred to as regular Syrian Hamster (Short Haired) Long Haired Syrian Hamster is sometimes - sometimes referred to as 'Teddy Bear Hamsters'. Syrian hamster female larger than male Syrian hamsters.

Various Kinds Syrian hamster;
a. Short Hair
b. Long Hair
c.  Rex
d. Satin
Syrian Hamster excess;
a. Hamster is a large and relatively slow motion compared to other hamster species so it is suitable for children.
b. Easy to handle and easily tamed.
c. Syrian hamster also has a wide variety of colors, ranging from plain to have a variety of patterns.
d. Another plus is the Syrian hamster is the only type of hamster that has a kind of long hair.
e. Syrian Hamsters are solitary (solitary), so for people who just want to keep the hamsters alone, can maintain without fear of Syrian hamster feels it would be lonely without the other hamster friends.
And for lack of Syrian hamster;
f. Hamster is less popular now in Indonesia, although overseas hamster species is still very popular because most of the hamster is to hold a show of this kind.
g. Another downside is spending more money for food, cages and sawdust, of course, because of large body size requires everything in greater numbers.
h. In addition, the Syrian hamster that we met in Indonesia are now widely due to decreased quality of mass-reared without regard to nutritional problems.

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