Saturday, May 19, 2012

Food Brazilian Tortoise.

Brazil including tortoise omnivores or eating everything, but his care we must be very clever to vary the type of food for the turtle to turtle nutrients are met. Baby tortoise usually prefer to eat meat, whereas normal adult tortoise prefer to eat plants. The following, is some variation of tortoise brazil food, among others:
• Vegetables
Brazil love tortoise eat all kinds of green vegetables such as lettuce, white vegetables like cabbage and carrots, and vegetables that contain lots of calcium which is good for the development of the shell.
• Pellet
Pellets are the easiest foods to be given and can be purchased in many places. These pellets but giving should not be given continuously and be interrupted by another feeding.
• Fruits
Tortoise also like fruit such as papaya, bananas and tomatoes, but the gift should not be too often because it can make the tortoise frequent bowel movements.
• Insects and worms
because tortoise live in brazil free habitat, the tortoise also like some insects such as crickets are excellent food for tortoise, as well as worms. These foods may occasionally be given to the tortoise brazil.
• Fish and chicken
Turtle love raw meat, raw meat is not good but given to the turtle because they contain lots of fat and can cause obesity and raw meat does not provide the nutrients needed tortoise. should be given turtle meat are cooked without seasoning. and for the provision of fish, marine fish and avoid the provision of fish that have been frozen, because it prevents the fish absorb some nutrients and can cause long term problems.
• cuttlefish bones
Cuttlefish bone is also great because it is a source of calcium to the turtle. Cuttlefish bone can be purchased in stores of animals including birds in the store because of cuttlefish bone is also used for birds.

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