Saturday, May 26, 2012

What Syrian Hamster?

Syrian Hamster First discovered in 1930 by I.aharoni yrs. Habrew a Professor of Zoology University, Jerusalem. Hamsters were first discovered in an eight-foot long hole in the Desert Aleppo, Syriac. Therefore, this hamster known as Syriac (Syrian hamster). Age can be up to 2 to 2.5 years, when cared for properly. The length can reach 15-20 cm when mature.

Syrian hamsters usually live alone in the wild and the same thing while in captivity. Syrian Hamsters can be aggressive with each other and can hurt each other. Do not put ever Syrian hamsters in pairs or in groups continuously. Syrian hamster most commonly found in pet stores. Syrian hamsters are sometimes referred to as the 'Golden Hamster' due to its original hair color of gold though this time there are many different colors and mutate into like coat. It is also sometimes - sometimes referred to as regular Syrian Hamster (Short Haired) Long Haired Syrian Hamster is sometimes - sometimes referred to as 'Teddy Bear Hamsters'. Syrian hamster female larger than male Syrian hamsters.

Various Kinds Syrian hamster;
a. Short Hair
b. Long Hair
c.  Rex
d. Satin
Syrian Hamster excess;
a. Hamster is a large and relatively slow motion compared to other hamster species so it is suitable for children.
b. Easy to handle and easily tamed.
c. Syrian hamster also has a wide variety of colors, ranging from plain to have a variety of patterns.
d. Another plus is the Syrian hamster is the only type of hamster that has a kind of long hair.
e. Syrian Hamsters are solitary (solitary), so for people who just want to keep the hamsters alone, can maintain without fear of Syrian hamster feels it would be lonely without the other hamster friends.
And for lack of Syrian hamster;
f. Hamster is less popular now in Indonesia, although overseas hamster species is still very popular because most of the hamster is to hold a show of this kind.
g. Another downside is spending more money for food, cages and sawdust, of course, because of large body size requires everything in greater numbers.
h. In addition, the Syrian hamster that we met in Indonesia are now widely due to decreased quality of mass-reared without regard to nutritional problems.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Food Brazilian Tortoise.

Brazil including tortoise omnivores or eating everything, but his care we must be very clever to vary the type of food for the turtle to turtle nutrients are met. Baby tortoise usually prefer to eat meat, whereas normal adult tortoise prefer to eat plants. The following, is some variation of tortoise brazil food, among others:
• Vegetables
Brazil love tortoise eat all kinds of green vegetables such as lettuce, white vegetables like cabbage and carrots, and vegetables that contain lots of calcium which is good for the development of the shell.
• Pellet
Pellets are the easiest foods to be given and can be purchased in many places. These pellets but giving should not be given continuously and be interrupted by another feeding.
• Fruits
Tortoise also like fruit such as papaya, bananas and tomatoes, but the gift should not be too often because it can make the tortoise frequent bowel movements.
• Insects and worms
because tortoise live in brazil free habitat, the tortoise also like some insects such as crickets are excellent food for tortoise, as well as worms. These foods may occasionally be given to the tortoise brazil.
• Fish and chicken
Turtle love raw meat, raw meat is not good but given to the turtle because they contain lots of fat and can cause obesity and raw meat does not provide the nutrients needed tortoise. should be given turtle meat are cooked without seasoning. and for the provision of fish, marine fish and avoid the provision of fish that have been frozen, because it prevents the fish absorb some nutrients and can cause long term problems.
• cuttlefish bones
Cuttlefish bone is also great because it is a source of calcium to the turtle. Cuttlefish bone can be purchased in stores of animals including birds in the store because of cuttlefish bone is also used for birds.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ceramic Pet Urns How Do Artisans produce Your Pet's Memorial?

Pet Urn, Losing a beloved family pet isn't simple. they need become simply as necessary to the family dynamic as the other facet of your life and it's alright to mourn their loss as you'd mourn the loss of any expensive friend. After all, they were loyal and unfaltering in their love for you over the course of their life; it's no surprise {that you|that you simply|that you simply} would have loved them just the maximum amount in come. thus when it involves once life choices, many folks pick cremation with their pet's cremains stored in ceramic pet urns.
These urns are a good thanks to memorialize your pet's life once they're gone, and ceramic may be a terribly lovely and versatile material that provides you a large vary of ceramic pet urns to decide on from. however whereas you are browsing the attractive urns on-line, does one ever stop and consider what goes into creating ceramic pet urns before you see them online?
Mixing the materials. the bottom ingredient in all ceramics is clay. what's added to it determines the utilization that the ceramic piece can have. For ceramic pet urns, typical ingredients added would be sand and alternative organic materials. These are mixed along to make the fabric which will be used to form your pet's urn.

Forming the urn. The artisan then begins operating with the clay so as to make the urn. Some artisans work with a potter's wheel, others don't. It's very simply a matter of preference. The artist forms ceramic pet urns in a very new means, or in accordance with a pattern that has been given to them.
Firing the shape. Once the urn has taken form and therefore the artisan is prepared to possess the clay harden, it's fired in a very kiln for a predetermined quantity of your time. This causes the clay to harden and become a permanent type.

Adding a glaze. once it has been fired once, several artists like better to highly to|favor to|choose to} add some extra color to the urn by applying one or more glazes to ceramic pet urns so as to boost their beauty.
Firing the urn once more. to create bound that the glaze is permanent which the ceramic pet urn is totally dry, the piece is fired within the kiln all over again.
Finishing touches. once the ceramic pet urns are prepared, any extra touches, like a non-ceramic piece or end are added to the urn to administer it that last final further bit.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Brazilian Tortoise

Brazilian tortoise is also known as'' tortoise'' red-ear slider or the Latin language scripta elegans'''' trachemys. This is because the red tinge just behind the eyes that resemble red ear. Brazil tortoise from the southern United States, has a mixture of shell color between green and yellow. Durability turtle makes a strong brazil tortoise easy to adapt to any environment. Age of a turtle can reach the age of 20 years with a maximum length of about 30 cm. Brazil tortoise reproduce by laying eggs way. The amount varies between 20 to 45 points depending on fertility and weather. Brazil tortoise usually lay their eggs around August and September before the rainy season. and to hatch it takes about 3 weeks. Once hatched tortoise waters of Brazil will be looking to grow up. Brazilian tortoise dark green with yellow stripes and has a red spot on each side of the head. These tortoise can be easily distinguished by the lower jaw is more rounded than the species pseudemys more boxes. Behind the toes connected by a membrane like a duck because they are aquatic animals. to distinguish the sexes, males have longer claws on his front leg. whereas in the female cloaca closer to the shell than males.

Because tortoise are aquatic animals brazil, therefore we need to put in the aquarium or pond is comfortable and designed specifically to meet their needs. if we do not want to provide a pool outside, the aquarium is the best solution for the tortoise brazil. in addition, by using the aquarium, we can be much easier to clean. Brazilian tortoiseare aquatic animals and they dump their sewage into the water, so if we do not maintain a healthy aquarium or pond it will be a hotbed for germs and bacteria, to the aquarium and pond should always be clean because the health of a tortoise depends of cleanliness aquarium or pond. if not using a filter, wash every other day. for baby tortoise, cleaned every day and do not use products that agresive. For tank sizes can be adjusted to the size and number of tortoise owned. aquarium bigger, the better for the turtle, because tortoise have a very rapid growth in the first years.

And water suggested is about 3/4 of the length of the turtle. Of mostly water turtle keepers recommend to use a Fluval 403 filter tubes. because tortoise are cold-blooded brazil, then we have to keep the temperature remains stable between 20 ° C to 28 ° C by using a submersible heater'' or'' water heaters containing long tubular coated wire. besides, we need to provide basking areas for tortoise, where tortoise can be completely dry basking in the sun or a special lamp reptiles, as in the wild, the tortoise will spend the time to bask in the sun. this is very important, because the warm temperatures can increase the body's immune tortoises and tortoise brazil requires UV light to be able to process food properly and absorbing nutrients from food. to add decoration to the pond or aquarium must be careful. for example, want to add rocks, must choose the type of stone that is not sharp because of the sharp stones can hurt the turtle shell. then the addition of sand or plastic plants are not recommended, because there is a chance the turtle will eat it and can cause serious intestinal complications.